Leonard Roy Frank to the FDA, ECT Safety Reclassification
Forced insulin coma and electroshock survivor Leonard Roy Frank shares his perspectives with the FDA on ECT device safety reclassification.
Forced insulin coma and electroshock survivor Leonard Roy Frank shares his perspectives with the FDA on ECT device safety reclassification.
Nebraska Advocacy Services, Inc., The Center for Disability Rights, Law, and Advocacy, supports the continued categorization of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) machines as Class III devices.
The use of electroshock is a consistent concern of MHEP, particularly when it is forced, court-ordered, or delivered without informed consent of its many risks, on children and adults.
Individuals with mental illness are at a very high risk of becoming victims of violence and abuse; and victims of violence and abuse are at great risk of developing a mental illness. Close scrutiny of who gets treated with ECT is needed so survivors of violence and abuse are not re-victimized by the treatment, proposed to be helpful.
Testimony Prepared for the Standing Committee on Mental Health of the Assembly of the State of New York. October 5, 1978. by Dr. Peter Sterling, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Neurobiology.
A spirited debate between and Dr. Andrade and Professor John Read regarding his current research showing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as ineffective, dangerous, and in need of suspension while proper auditing and safety testing can be carried out.