Electroconvulsive therapy combined with lithium developed reversible pure anomic aphasia: a case report
ECT recipient developed temporary anomic aphasia.
ECT recipient developed temporary anomic aphasia.
Medical researchers who do experiments on humans sometimes break the law, but they don't usually get in trouble for it. Other people who physically harm or trick others are usually punished by being convicted of assault, fraud, or homicide. But researchers seem to be able to get away with their crimes.
A post dedicated to Lake Alice survivors; a psychiactric institution where children were given ECT as a form of abuse.
Exerpts from ECT recipeints submissions the 1990 FDA dockets.
A study examining the rate of mortality following electroconvulsive therapy.
This spring, Life After ECT launched a comprehensive FDA reporting guide for injured electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) recipients. This post is a progress update and an overview of our future reporting goals.