Opposition to Connecticut HB 6837

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Anna Webb
Director, Life After ECT Inc.


Re: Opposition to HB 6837

Dear Representatives,

My name is Anna Webb, and I am the director of Life After ECT, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to supporting individuals harmed by electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

I’m also part of an international community of people who have been permanently disabled by ECT—some who consented, others who were subjected to it against their will and now live with the trauma of that violation.

I know firsthand what it means to be a vulnerable patient. As a survivor of institutional child abuse and ECT administered without legitimate consent in my late teens, I now live with permanent brain and neurological damage. I am currently undergoing experimental treatment to slow neurologic decline and prevent conditions such as ALS—a risk I was never informed of. Had I known, I never would have had ECT had I known it was a possible side effect.

I know what it’s like to be coerced into ECT—to be given misleading information, pressured by medical professionals, and ultimately subjected to a treatment without fully understanding the risks or my rights.

No patient, especially those in crisis, should have their rights weakened further by the removal of essential safeguards.

I strongly oppose HB 6837, which would extend the authorization period for ECT from 30 to 90 days for voluntary patients and from 45 to 90 days for those under court-ordered treatment. This bill removes critical safeguards that exist to protect individuals who may not be in a position to advocate for themselves.

Why These Protections Matter

  • The ECT device has never undergone FDA testing for safety or effectiveness.
  • Manufacturers have refused to submit required pre-market approval data, despite FDA regulations.
  • ECT device makers face lawsuits, and at least one manufacturer has lost liability insurance.
  • The United Nations and the World Health Organization recognize forced ECT as a form of torture when performed without consent.
  • Forced ECT continues to be used abusively on vulnerable individuals. David Russel, for example, was recently subjected to ECT against his will, despite suffering life-threatening blood clots from the treatment. His case, and others like it, should be considered when evaluating this legislation.

I understand that some individuals feel ECT is their best option, and I sympathize with those who rely on it. I also recognize that frequent consent renewals and court reviews may be seen as an burdensom barrier to treatment. However, these safeguards exist for a reason—to protect vulnerable patients from a dangerous medical device whose manufacturers refuse to meet even the most basic safety standards, that unlike other medical devices, can be used against a patients will.

I urge you to oppose HB 6837 and uphold the current protections for individuals receiving ECT. Those who truly need the treatment will still have access under the existing law. Please stand against this bill and prevent the removal of critical safeguards that protect vulnerable patients from harm.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Anna Webb
Founder & Director, Life After ECT, Inc.


ECT Efficacy

Read, J., & Kirsch, I. (2020). Electroconvulsive therapy: Does the evidence from clinical trials justify its continued use? Mad in America. https://www.madinamerica.com/2020/06/john-read-irving-kirsch-electroconvulsive-therapy-ect-evidence-clinical-trials-justify-continued-use/


Life After ECT. (n.d.). ECT as repetitive electrical trauma: ALS, increased veteran suicide. Life After ECT. https://lifeafterect.org/ect-as-repetitive-electrical-trauma-als-increased-veterans-suicide/

Electrical Injury Consequences

Jeschke, M. (n.d.). Understanding electrical injury: Long-term consequences. Life After ECT. https://lifeafterect.org/guest-understanding-electrical-injury-dr-marc-jeschke/

ECT Lawsuits

Wisner Baum. (n.d.). ECT lawsuits: Defective medical device injuries. https://www.wisnerbaum.com/defective-medical-device-injuries/ect/

ECT, Consent, and Patient Autonomy

Wisner Baum. (2024, June 20). Wisner Baum prevails in landmark win for patient autonomy in CA Supreme Court ruling. https://www.wisnerbaum.com/blog/2024/june/wisner-baum-prevails-in-landmark-win-for-patient/

United Nations and World Health Organazation on Forced Treatment

Read, J. (2023). World Health Organization and United Nations unite on mental health and human rights. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/psychiatry-through-the-looking-glass/202310/world-health-organisation-and-un-unite-on-mental

Forced ECT: David Russel

MindFreedom. (n.d.). David Russell’s case: Forced ECT and advocacy. https://mindfreedom.org/front-page/david-russell/

Problems With the ECT Device

Life After ECT. (n.d.). Forced ECT at Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic: A rehabilitation counselor weighs in on David Russel’s involuntary shock treatment. https://lifeafterect.org/forced-ect-at-minnesotas-mayo-clinic-a-rehabilitation-counselor-weighs-in-on-david-russels-involuntary-shock-treatment/

Standards and Regulations That Don’t Exist for ECT

Change.org. (n.d.). Standardize, regulate, and audit shock treatments (ECT). https://www.change.org/p/standardize-regulate-audit-shock-treatments-electroconvulsive-therapy-or-ect/u/25





Anna is a childhood psychiatric drug and a teenage electroshock survivor. She founded Life After ECT to ensure people injured by electroconvulsive therapy have easy access to resources that can help them understand their injuries and find a path to recovery.