Anna is a childhood psychiatric drug and a teenage electroshock survivor. She founded Life After ECT to ensure people injured by electroconvulsive therapy have easy access to resources that can help them understand their injuries and find a path to recovery.
Understanding Period Poverty and How it Impacts People Disabled by ECT
Concerns Raised Over Unmodified Electroconvulsive Therapy at Central Institute of Psychiatry, India
Marketing vs. Reality: The Continuing Use of Forced and Unmodified ECT in Modern Times
New Litigation Opportunites for ECT Recipients in the United States
Research Opportunity: Exploring Long-Term Effects of ECT in the U.K.
Participate in Groundbreaking Research: Share Your Experience with Electroconvulsive Therapy in the SECTAFF Survey
Testimony of Linda Andre, Vermont House Bill H12
Looking to a Brighter Future for Those Harmed by ECT
The Childhood Bipolar Cage
Discounted grocery delivery programs offer convenience and savings to people disabled by electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).