Anna is a childhood psychiatric drug and a teenage electroshock survivor. She founded Life After ECT to ensure people injured by electroconvulsive therapy have easy access to resources that can help them understand their injuries and find a path to recovery.
Opposition to Connecticut HB 6837
Defend Patient Protections – Oppose HB 6837, Connecticut
Memory Problems and Cooking Safety After ECT
Andy Luff's Recovery Journey After ECT-Induced Brain Damage
Life After ECT: 2024 Year in Review
Life After ECT 2023 End of Year Review
The Great ECT Power Myth: Douglas Cameron Reveals the Hidden Risks of Increased Electricity in Modern Devices
Disability Pride After ECT
Memory Loss and Misdiagnosis: Kerry Hodgson's ECT Experience and Call for Informed Consent
Two ways to protect yourself against forced electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)